Monday, April 10, 2006

Perl : Arrays [2]

In this chapter, I'll discuss some frequently performed functions on Perl arrays.

Let's consider this array
@fruit = ("apple","banana","pineapple","mango","guava");

push @fruit,"plum";
Adds an element to the end of the array.

my $new_fruit = shift  @fruit;
The above statement removes the first element of @fruits and assigns it to $new_fruit.

my $popped_fruit = pop @fruit;
The above line pops (removes last element from the list) and assigns it to $popped_fruit.

Use of @_ in a subroutine

@_ is the default array that is passed to a subroutine.
See the following two subroutines and what they do

sub test{

We can assign three scalars of a subroutine with the values of the arguments to the subroutines. @_ is the array of argument
s passed to the subroutine.

sub test2{
$name = shift;

If these arguments are not going to be required for further processing, the default array can be shift'ed and the assignment
 be made.

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