Monday, April 10, 2006

Linux/Unix : File permissions, groups and access control

There are three types of permissions namely r(read), w(write), x(execute).

Read permission - in context of a file, this means you can read (and thus copy) the file. If you have read permission on a directory, you can see the contents of the directory (usually with ls command).

Write permission - on file means you can change the contents of the file. Write permission on a directory means you can create or delete files/directories in that directory.

Execute permission - If a file has execute permission you can run it just like a command. Usually, shell scripts, if they are used like a command, need x permission for the user. Execute permission on a directory means you can change to that directory using cd command.

On Linux (and unix flavors) users can be put in groups. A given set of users works on the files owned by a certain group. One user can be a member of many groups. Access control becomes effective with proper use of groups and permissions.

Long listing format (ls -l) shows the permissions on a file/directory.

The output is of the following form

-rw-rw-r--    1 abcd  web     24593 Mar  4  2006 test.txt
drwxrwxr-x    2 abcd  web      4096 Oct  7 16:06 temp_files

The first field shows the permissions on the files. Second field shows number of files in the corresponding directory. Third
 field (abcd) is the owner of the file. Next is the name of the group. Other fields are file-size, modification time and fil
ename in the same order.

The permissions field consists of 10 characters. First denotes the file-type. '-' for a plain file, 'd' for a directory. Following three characters show permissions of the owner of the file. In our case, the owner is 'abcd' and his permissions are 'rw-' (read, write but no execute). Following three characters are for the group (web). In our case, all members of this group have rw- permissions i.e. the same as the owner. Next three charaters are for others. Others have just 'read' permission.

Types of files
d - directory
l - link
p - pipe
b - block special device
c - character special device

Changing permissions
Only owner or root (administrator) can change permissions on a file. Following are some illustrations.

chgrp web filename
changes group of the file to web.

chmod g+w somefile
gives write permission on somefile to group.

chmod +x some_script
gives execute permission to all on some_script. Typically, shell scripts or some other executable files are given execute permissions.

chmod o-x some_script
removes execute permission for others (but retains for the owner and the group)

If in chmod command permissions start with a letter, following are the meanings of these letters

u - user or owner of the file
g - group members
o - others (rest of the world)
a - all

What does the following command mean then ?
chmod 664 some_filename

Permissions can also be set using octal value for the three bit pattern. Using this method, permissions on a file can be set in one go. r, w and x have corresponding values.

r = 4
w = 2
x = 1

Therefore, the above command assigns 6=4+2 i.e. 'read' and 'write' to the owner of the file, same for group whereas others have just 4 i.e. 'read' permissions on the file. To get more information on changing permissions refer the man page of chmod.


Anonymous said...

This authentication technique is based on Access Control List (ACL) and Capability List(CL). You can get more information of ACL on


Anonymous said...

This authentication technique is based on Access Control List (ACL) and Capability List(CL). You can get more information of ACL on


Ketan said...

But this kind of access control existed even in the old unices. (flavors of unix) The document you sent is completely technical ! Thanks ! You have this too in your curriculum ?

Anonymous said...

Very nicce!

Anonymous said...

So krazy

Doesnt matter